Friday, November 12, 2010


Prof. D. G. Kulkarni                                                               Shrikant Kinnal          
Dean                                                                                        JGI Mats School of Business
JCE                                                                                         Belgaum
Human beings are required to update their knowledge to compete with new technologies in their respective sectors. Every sector needs the human resources to fulfill their requirements to complete the work cycle. The sectors, which require considerable human resource intervention, are banking, insurance, information technology, education etc.
The main objective of this study is to identify the best method to update knowledge of human resource to have a competitive edge.  For study we are considering the classroom training, online training, distance education, group discussions, self-reading etc.
By updating the knowledge of human resources, the effectiveness of performance increases and a competitive advantage is achieved. For instance, the employees of a software company are required to learn the new software and in the education sector, the facilitators are required to keep themselves abreast with the new knowledge and information to have an effective knowledge transfer to the students. Learning is a lifelong process. It may be explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge. Both are important for the teachers of a management school.
This paper gives an insight into the methods of Knowledge acquisition, which is carried out by the management teachers. It also suggests some of the methods of making knowledge available to the knowledge workers and the knowledge seekers.

Keywords: Knowledge, Training, Learning, Student learning.

Knowledge acquisition becomes of prime importance for the teachers and even more important for the teachers in management institutes. Implicit knowledge is available from many sources. What is important is acquiring or penetrating the tacit knowledge of knowledge workers. Quite often we acquire knowledge because we intend doing it. Many times we acquire knowledge unintentionally. This process of unintentional acquisition of knowledge can give an avalanche of explicit as well as tacit knowledge. Today, the students are more aggressive in getting knowledge. The exposure to latest gizmozs and techniques allow them to penetrate knowledge sources and have data mining. One important factor being the age of the students. At the same time, it also becomes imperative for the staff to acquire latest knowledge. However, the staffs have to reinforce themselves with knowledge that the students will require and not as per choice. This makes it even more difficult for the teachers to acquire the knowledge, which is not in sync with the interest of self.

Knowledge Acquisition

Gaining new knowledge requires not only that the information be available, but also that the firm actively search and acquire the information or knowledge (Levitt and March, 1988).
With reference to the above definition, Knowledge acquisition can be defined as  “Identifying the knowledge from knowledge provider and trying to get knowledge from him through a suitable media”. There are different methods to acquire the knowledge from knowledge providers are follows;

  1. General Methods.
    1. Classroom Training.
    2. Online Training.
    3. Distance Education.
    4. Self-Reading.
    5. Mentoring.
    6. Apprenticeship
  1. Unconventional Methods: taking opinion from person who is not in that field.
    1. Group Discussion.
    2. Meetings.
    3. Forums.
    4. Peer group.
    5. Learning through Social Interaction
1.      General Methods:
The classification of methods used for Knowledge acquisition normally in all fields.
a.       Self-Reading: This method tells us how person efficiently understands the concept without any formal training. The person can get knowledge in different ways in self-reading. Like reading newspapers, Magazines, Novels etc.
b.      Classroom Training: This method updates the knowledge of person by appropriate training in the classes or sessions. People require the classroom training, as they will not have time to do self-study in their busy schedule so classroom training helps them to update their knowledge without any reading.
c.       Online Training: Young generations are eager to learn new things for which online training is a perfect aid. From online training person will be updating the new information and knowledge immediately and continuously. Youngsters are more attracted to online training as they get the required knowledge and training at the tip of their finger.  The people can learn new concepts and new techniques from knowledge provider as soon as possible by paying money or freely on instrutes web sites. So this tells us clearly that knowledge acquisition is more on online training.
d.      Distance Education: This is the mixture of self-reading, classroom training, and online training. Universities introducing new course to give the better knowledge to students in a better way. So they started distance education to help the employees. The universities are providing course materials to do self-study. They can attend the classes on weekends for classroom training. If they are unable to attend the classes, they will get online coaching from experts.
e.       Mentoring: Mentoring is a process where a person is mentored and motivated to acquire more knowledge and training in the field he is already expert who will help the person to do more hard work and update his knowledge and achieve better results.
f.       Apprenticeship: This one provides employee or students to gain knowledge by getting on-job training. On-job training provides an opportunity for students to work in field, which helps them to acquire more knowledge of particular work. He may become perfect in that particular field. Acquiring knowledge is more from on-job training. The employee will get more knowledge with the practical exposure. So Aperentship is more essential part in Knowledge Acquisition.
2.      Unconventional Method: The word unconventional only tells that taking opinions from person who is not in that field. Means he is working in different field and giving opinion on different field. We can classify this method into many parts. They are:

a.       Group Discussion: This is the one of the best method to acquire knowledge from different persons of different field. In-group discussion people from different background come together and share their knowledge and experience by discussing on different topics.
b.      Forums: This is the method of approaching the people in online forums. Knowing or unknowingly people will enter in forum and comment on unknown topic. From this also Knowledge Acquisition happens.
c.       Informal Meeting: People are attending the meeting without any agenda of meeting and discussing on different topics. Different opinions will come from different people. So people will acquire more knowledge.
d.      Peer Group: A group is formed in an organization. In an organization there are different departments. So we can express our thoughts and discuss about our problem and we can get solutions from them also.
e.       Learning through Social Interaction: Learning is not only about particular subject; we have to learn different subjects. Social interactions become a rich source of knowledge bank. Unknowingly we may gain access to important knowledge links.
Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge found within an organization’s human capital must be first captured and then transferred in order to be exploited for advantage. (Roxanne Helm Stevens (Corresponding Author)).

A knowledge receiver, through the interactions with a knowledge provider, assimilates, develops, innovates, and applies the knowledge that is received from the knowledge provider. (Gilbert & Cordey-Hayes, 1996).

By seeing above definitions of Knowledge Transfer by different authors, Knowledge Transfer can be defined as “Sharing the knowledge between knowledge provider who has the ability to, and intention of, sharing knowledge with the knowledge receiver, who intends receiving it as a value for time spent in receiving it”. Hence, knowledge transfer can be classified in many ways as per popular literature. This paper discusses the classification of Knowledge Transfer into four types. 

  1. Knowledge Transfer by Talking: Unplanned, Unintended and Spontaneous.
  2. Knowledge Transfer by Anecdotes.
  3. Knowledge Transfer by Telling Stories.
  4. Knowledge Transfer by Examples.

Figure 1: Types of Knowledge Transfer Medium.
a.       Knowledge Transfer by Talking: Unplanned, Unintended and Spontaneous.
This concept shows that when two or more persons met at a place after long gap they start talking about their past life and how the life moving now, later on they start talking  and sharing about new experience in job in terms of training, updating of knowledge, work environment etc. This is unplanned meeting and spontaneously started discussing on new experience in the job.
b.      Knowledge Transfer by Anecdotes:
The knowledge provider tells about particular concept by telling real incidents involving real persons. From this people can easily understand the concept. Because the way used to transfer the knowledge is affected to that person clearly without any problem.
c.       Knowledge Transfer by Telling Stories:
Telling the general stories from different storybooks to explaining the concepts is more effective also. In this not only for stories for their career development by telling the stories of great persons, adventures stories etc. From this they can attract from those moral stories and work hard to gain knowledge.
Knowledge Transfer by Examples:
For better understand the concepts of different field knowledge provider give some real time examples or creates their own examples to give more knowledge of that concept. By providing examples to knowledge receiver makes him understand the concepts early and effective Knowledge Transfer completes. Above explained concepts are important for effective Knowledge Transfer.
As a study on Human Potential Development, Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Transfer are inter dependent. For acquiring knowledge there should be best transfer of knowledge. From the above studies it is understood that for Human Potential Development, Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Transfer is essential. Practicing the knowledge acquisition methods and knowledge transfer methods given above will ensure better learnability. The whole process should be student centric. Students should be motivated to practice talking about new subjects, latest management theories, tell stories, etc. An ambience of learning can be created with these methods.


  1. Yio-Eih Shih., “Interfirm Adaptation and Interfirm Knowledge Transfer in Supply-Chain Network Context”.,, Page 1-10.
  2. Roxanne Helm Stevens (Corresponding Author) School of Business and Management., “Managing Human Capital: How to Use Knowledge Management to Transfer Knowledge in Today’s Multi-Generational Workforce”., International Business Research.,, Volume 3., July 2010., Page 77-83.
  3. Amy Javernick Will, Raymond E. Levitt, W. Richard Scott, Stanford University., “Understanding Knowledge Acquisition, Integration and Transfer by Global Development, Engineering and Construction Firms”., Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects Series #28., June, 2007., Page 1-17

We acknowledge the support received from the JGI group, Bangalore and Belgaum and R&D Cell, JNTU, Hyderabad.